Thursday, 18 August 2011

Books for Vets Appeal

As you will no doubt be aware Romania Animal Aid is going to be organising bi-monthly aid missions to Romania. If you don't know about this, or want to learn more please check out Aid Missions under our Projects section via the website

What you may or may not be aware of is there are only a few veterinarians who are up to date with modern European veterinarian practices and techniques. This is not because they do not want to learn or update their skills but because it is very hard for them to obtain because of expense etc European literature to help them.

Considering it is them who are on the front line of treating the abused and abandoned animals in Romania, shouldn't we be doing something to help them? Something that will alleviate even more suffering?

Well now we can.....Romania Animal Aid are willing to distribute donated veterinarian books/manuals/journals to drop spots in Romania where the Veterinarians, students and qualified vets can for free choose from the selection on offer.

Please contact your own vet, your local veterinarian colleges and universities to see if they would be able to donate some books to this appeal. Anything that would help the animals is worth going that extra mile for...RAA will be going that few thousand miles extra to get these and other items to where they are needed. So if you can help, please let us know.

Because books are quite scarce and some people/vets/education establishments may not be able to donate. We have added a donate button so you can still help the vets by donating via Paypal. All monies that are donated via this button will be used to buy books, second hand if possible and distributed on our aid missions. A list of books bought, and of course donations recieved will be added below to this page.

For those of you who have been lucky enough to gather some books to donate, we can confirm the dates of the bi monthly aid missions (we are hoping the first to be at the end of September) We will arrange pick up points where you can bring the books and any other items you may be able to donate towards the aid missions straight into the RAA Van.We are hoping the end of September 2011 will be our first aid mission in the new RAA Van..

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Thank you for your donations so far. Fill-a-Box-Appeal


A Big thank you to all those who have dug deep and donated what you could to our Fill-a-Box appeal.
Donations still needed, remember guys you have until the 6th to get your donations to us. To those who have already donated ( See names below) our sincerest thank you.

Worldwide Vetentinary Services
Pets at Home
Shirley Mcburney
Christine Rose
Katy Orton
Rebekah long
Sorina Blinkhorne
Anne McCallion
Kendra Pinder
Josephine Whitty
Ann Murphy

Fill A Box Appeal - Deadline 6th July 2011

As many of you will know, on the 8th July 2011, just in two weeks time, representatives from Romania Animal Aid will flying out to Romania to meet with Mayors,Councillors,Animal Welfare Organisations,Shelters and of course searching for Little Grey. 

On route we will be distributing and using the treatments and donated items on the strays and shelter dogs we come across, so please...Help us to help them.

Items urgently needed or donations to buy these items: We have used this as an example only, anything else you can think of that is relevant please do post to us.
Drontal Worming Tablets
Frontline Flea and Tick/Flea Treatment
Dog bandages
Canine Disinfectant wipes
Ear Drops
Medical Skin creams for various skin conditions

Keep Updated
This page will be used to keep you updated on how the appeal is going, and so you can see for yourself how your donation is added to the boxes. There are 3x to fill. Each time a 4kg section is filled, we will colour it in and add the new pic to this page. Whether you donate by posting us your items directly to us (Please email us for address) or donate money via our Just Giving Page for us to buy the items with..Your name and donation will be added to our star board that will be shown below.

See how your donation is used
We will be photographing and documenting our journey to Romania and the film will uploaded to Facebook and across the web as soon as we return. This film will not only highlight the plight of animals in Romania from a westerners view point, but will show you exactly where every penny of your donations have been spent.

" I would love to help those dogs" ...Well now you can
Please do what you can, help us to make a difference, even if it giving a stray dog infested with fleas and ticks a months relief from the pain, or treating and bandaging a wound...Anything you can spare will help so very much.

To allow us enough to go out and buy and pack the items bought and items posted to us, please ensure you donate via the justgiving page or that we recieve your donated items by post no later than the 6th of July 2011.

7th we will buy and pack the items, 8th we fly out with them.

So please dig deep and donate now or as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Fill A Box Appeal - Deadline 6th July 2011

As many of you will know, on the 8th July 2011, just in two weeks time, representatives from Romania Animal Aid will flying out to Romania to meet with Mayors,Councillors,Animal Welfare Organisations,Shelters and of course searching for Little Grey. 

On route we will be distributing and using the treatments and donated items on the strays and shelter dogs we come across, so please...Help us to help them.

Items urgently needed or donations to buy these items: We have used this as an example only, anything else you can think of that is relevant please do post to us.
Drontal Worming Tablets
Frontline Flea and Tick/Flea Treatment
Dog bandages
Canine Disinfectant wipes
Ear Drops
Medical Skin creams for various skin conditions

Keep Updated
This page will be used to keep you updated on how the appeal is going, and so you can see for yourself how your donation is added to the boxes. There are 3x to fill. Each time a 4kg section is filled, we will colour it in and add the new pic to this page. Whether you donate by posting us your items directly to us (Please email us for address) or donate money via our Just Giving Page for us to buy the items with..Your name and donation will be added to our star board that will be shown below.

See how your donation is used
We will be photographing and documenting our journey to Romania and the film will uploaded to Facebook and across the web as soon as we return. This film will not only highlight the plight of animals in Romania from a westerners view point, but will show you exactly where every penny of your donations have been spent.

" I would love to help those dogs" ...Well now you can
Please do what you can, help us to make a difference, even if it giving a stray dog infested with fleas and ticks a months relief from the pain, or treating and bandaging a wound...Anything you can spare will help so very much.

To allow us enough to go out and buy and pack the items bought and items posted to us, please ensure you donate via the justgiving page or that we recieve your donated items by post no later than the 6th of July 2011.

7th we will buy and pack the items, 8th we fly out with them.

So please dig deep and donate now or as soon as possible.


A Big thank you to all those who have dug deep and donated what you could to our Fill-a-Box appeal.
Donations still needed, remember guys you have until the 6th to get your donations to us. To those who have already donated ( See names below) our sincerest thank you.

Worldwide Vetentinary Services
Pets at Home
Shirley Mcburney
Christine Rose
Katy Orton
Rebekah long
Sorina Blinkhorne
Anne McCallion
Kendra Pinder
Josephine Whitty

Sunday, 26 June 2011

1,000,000 is the magic number to force the European Commission to act, whether it wants to or not. Please read, sign and share

As you know there are many petitions around in regards to Romania and its barbaric cruelty to animals. One of these is attempting to gain 1,000,000 signatures. Now to many, and until I was flicking through an EU law book I was the same. The 1,000,000 may appear to be simply a huge goal that was set , because it was a huge number. As I have mentioned it was not until I was flicking through an Eu law book the other day, I actually realised the significance and the importance of this petition.

To many people in the UK and other parts of Europe, maybe the translation between its original format into English somehow lost its power as such. So I will briefly explain why it is so very important that you,your friends, anyone you can get to sign this petition does just that. Even if they never sign another one in their life time, they need to sign this one.

Unlike any other petition out there, this one will actually by European law forces/empowers the European Commission to interfere in member states law, even if it does not want to. This is the simplified reason why...

If by European law a majority percentage of citizens from one or various member states together disagree with a specific law made by a single member state country, the European commision has no choice but to intervene on behalf of that majority. If the member state country fails to rectify the law, to amend it in the way that the majority of the EU citizens want it to be amended etc. The commission, by European law will immediately implement financial sanctions against that country. Now, guess what number of EU citizens complaining/disagreeing with  a single law would force the European Commission into this action, whether it wants to or not?

Thats right, the magic number is 1,000,000

Now do you get why it is so vital that 1,000,000 signatures is reached? Do everything you can, share the link with your friends,family,employer..Whoever it takes, just get them to add their name to this petition.

The petitions goal.... to get 1,000,000 signatures to stop the killing of 1 million dogs in Romania and all European countries. These signatures will be sent to the European Commission to stop the extermination of stray dogs in Romania and other member states of the EU.(Now you understand why this petition is targeting the European Commission rather than the Romanian Government)

This collection of signatures will help save the Romanian animals and many other animals in the same situation in other EU member countries. This petition will serve as a warning to those who are on the waiting list for entry.
Now....what are you waiting for? Sign this petition and get as many people as possible to do the same.

Friday, 3 June 2011

How can you help the environment as well at the same time help dogs who have been the victims of cruelty?...Easy, donate your old mobile to us!

Have you an old phone or two gathering dust in your draws, why not have a clear out and send it to us. Your phone will then be recycled and you will feel good knowing that not only are you doing your bit for the environment, but you are also helping us carry on our work of helping rescue and care for the abused dogs of Romania

If you can help please email us and we will send you all the details you need to get your old mobile to us, and we will then put it to good use.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Possible Job Opportunity in Romania for a Caretaker/Supervisor to help manage a UK Charity Shelter

At this time there are various shelters and land we are looking at in view of renting or buying. Our focus is to either build or update a current animal shelter that will  adhere to a UK Style strict code of practice.
We are not concerned about educational qualifications, what matters to us is your reliability, commitment to animal welfare and a love for animals.

However the right person for the job would need to have the following non animal related attributes.

  • Management/Supervisory abilities to run the shelter in general as well as coordinate volunteers
  • Be able to work effectively as an individual as well as part of a team
  • Be Able to to follow and carry out clear instructions and follow a strict code of practice
  • Preferably have a basic understanding of ,and be able to speak/type in English

We are looking for shelters/land  that already have accommodation or will accommodate several portable units including 2 large mobile homes. So we are looking to provide accommodation for the caretaker/supervisor of the shelter

For more information, or if you know someone who would be perfect for this role, please do contact us

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Help us build a safe haven for these animals, away from the claws of abusers

We are sure you are aware of the horrific new law that is about to be implemented in Romania,where all strays will legally be able to be abused and killed. Nothing new there you might think,this is exactly what is happening now,but the difference is,we and others wont be able to prosecute the abusers under the animal cruelty act. Also part of the new law encourages people to inform the authorities of any private person who has a dog/dogs in their home and if the informant neighbour doesn't agree to that person having dogs,the animals will be dragged away, controlled by iron bars,fists and feet.

This means the wonderful and caring individuals who look after rescued dogs, who even now sometimes have to hide these animals away from other members of the public and the dog catchers, are at risk of being found and the animals they are caring for forcibly taken from them and beaten to death!

Dog killing is big business in Romania,for every dog killed, no matter how brutal the Dog catchers or members of the public will get paid for taking that dogs life. Now rather than relying solely on our network of carers,we have no choice but to put plans into action and buy or rent private land, build a holding shelter, register the shelter with the regions town hall, and then..and only then will our rescued dogs be safe. The kind hearted and wonderful individuals who currently are living their lives in fear but putting the dogs safety before there own will be volunteers at the shelter, and do what they do best....Care for those dogs until the time comes each dog can be transported to safety, out of Romania.

The cost of this is immense,but so is the very real genocide of the dogs in Romania,  To buy the land,build the shelters, add basic amenities such as wells and so on has been estimated at approximately £110,000. Once the holding shelter is built and up and running, other organisations will be allocated space to store their rescued dogs and cats with us. The basic fees they will pay, will all go back into the running of the shelter, and in turn will allow us to help even more animals.

Again this appeal as with others of ours,will be fully documented, and as we reach nearer our goal, and everything falls into place, you will see where your donations have been spent, we want to share with you what good can be done, what animals would have been saved with your help. This is not just about our charity and what is able to accomplish, this about how by kind and generous people like yourselves what can be accomplished.


Help us to help them...

For us to Find,Rescue,Treat,Feed,Transport and care for a dog until it is adopted is no easy task. It takes time,dedication, a wondeful network of carers to look after the dogs until they are legally able to leave Romania, everything from the animals medical needs, food,vaccines,passports etc is needed to be taken care of.

We dedicate our time,resources,sweat and many tears to rescuing these animals, some litterally have been found so badly beaten and tortured that they can hardly move, others through sheer starvation have been found by us dragging themselves along the floor, desperately searching for scraps of food they can find under cars. Our job is not an wasy one, and we know you would not want us to walk away when these dogs in such horrific conditions are found, nor would we do such a thing!

But...we need your help to allow us to pay for the rescources and medical care that each one of these poor souls need. Any size donation will help so very much, all monies raised will go towards the medical bills,food,vaccines and transport so that each and every soul we rescue is given the best chance possible, and will know only care,attention and love for the rest of his/her life outside of Romania.

Will you help us? Any amount is appreciated, we know how tough times are on everyone,but anything you could spare would mean so very much to so many.
If you can help, please click here

We believe very much that if you donate to a cause then you should be able to see what your kindly donated money is being spent on. Over the next couple of weeks we are collateing logs and photos of all the dogs in Romania we and our network of carers over there are helping. We will be adding this to our website for you to access. Be warned though these dogs have been rescued,you have to appreciate that you will be seeing dogs that through no fault of their own,will be displaying the most horrific wounds,conditions and so on, but you will also be able to see week on week how they are recovering and getting on.

Friday, 27 May 2011


We have regular transport from/to Romania that can deliver any donated supplies.  Drop-off points in the UK are in Cambs, Herts and Kent.   If you think you can help, please do contact us

DOG FOOD - Some vets will donate sample packs of food or food close to it's sell by date.  Some Sainsbury's stores will allow a 'pet food bin' to be set up outside where generous shoppers can donate food.  Generally this is down to the discretion of the store manager.  If you think your local store may be willing to help, please let us know and we will arrange for the bin to be delivered.  

DOG JACKETS - We are also desperate for volunteer help to make dog jackets to keep the shorter haired dogs and puppies warm during the sometimes harsh Romanian Winters.  We can supply the pattern and all you need is a sewing machine and donated or cheap fabric (usually available in your local charity shop)

BLANKETS -We are in desperate need of these,they serve two purposes, laid on the floor it creates a barrier between the cold ground and the dog,wrapped around the dog will help him/her battle the vicious elements

DOG TOYS - All dogs need to play,especially those who have no joy in their little lives on the streets and in the shelters of Romania. By donating toys this will help keep the odgs busy and hopefuly out of trouble with other dogs.

LEADS & COLLARS - These will be used during rescuing and also transportation, they also mean the dogs look less like a stray and (though doubtful) may deter a Dog catcher from brutally catching the dog,in some instances using such force and brutality that the dogs die of internal and external injuries before reaching the city shelter!